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Hannah Proffitt


2022-Current: M.S. Geophysics, University of Kansas

2019: B.S. Geophysics, University of Kansas


Dr. George Tsoflias

Research Project

Development of Efficient Seismic Networks to Detect Local Earthquakes​

Research Summary

The state of Kansas has recently experienced an unprecedented increase in seismic activity, and research has identified high-rate wastewater injections as the primary cause of induced seismicity. With growing interest in geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration, there is concern that such projects might also induce seismic events. To address this, the Department of Energy, in collaboration with the National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP), has established standard guidelines for new CO2 sequestration projects in the United States. The NRAP recommends a series of steps to be taken before injection operations commence, including the establishment of an active, local seismic network to monitor background seismicity for 6-12 months. To better understand the susceptibility of potential sequestration sites, efficient and affordable earthquake monitoring equipment is needed. This study utilizes the low-cost Raspberry Shake 3D seismometer and its readily available components.

Photo of myself talking about the geodynamics of the Colorado Plateau Uplift.

(Summer 2022)

Research/Teaching Experience:

2016: Academic Tutor, Introduction to Geology, University of Kansas

2016: Academic Tutor, Calculus I, University of Kansas

2018: Teaching Assistant, Field Investigations, University of Kansas

2018-2019: Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Kansas

2022-2024: Graduate Research Assistant, University of Kansas

Speaking Engagements and Conference Abstracts

  • Proffitt H., Molina Z., Freking C., Nolte K., and Tsoflias G. P. (2018), Evaluating the Temporal Evolution of fluid injection induced seismicity in the Midwest, G-Hawker Symposium 2018, Department of Geology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (Second Place Winner)

  • Tsoflias G. P., Nolte K. A., Molina Z., Proffitt H., Freking C., Bidgoli T. and L. Watney (2019), Fault Detection in South-Central Kansas Using Cluster Analysis of Induced Earthquakes, GSA 2019 Joint Section Meeting, Manhattan, Kansas, March 25-27, 2019.

  • Proffitt H., Tsoflias G.P. (2023) Development and Utilization of Low-cost Technology for Local Earthquake Monitoring. CUSP-West Annual Conference. Lawrence, Kansas, June 21-23, 2023. (Third Place Winner)

  • Proffitt H., Tsoflias G. P. (2023), Monitoring Induced Seismicity Using Low-Cost Seismometers: A Case Study in Central Kansas. G-Hawker Symposium, Department of Geology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, October 6, 2023. (Second Place Winner)

  • Proffitt H., Tsoflias G. P. (2023), Monitoring Induced Seismicity Using Low-Cost Seismometers: A Case Study in Central Kansas. GSA Connects 2023, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, October 14-18, 2023. (Geophysics & Geodynamics Division - Best Student Presentation Award)

Photo of myself talking about induced seismicity in Kansas in front of the Olathe high school science students. (Spring 2022)


2016: University of Kansas, Ray P. Walters Scholarship

2018: University of Kansas, James A. & Rowena E. Scholarship

2018: Undergraduate G-Hawker Symposium Poster Winner, 2nd Place

2019: Kansas Geological Foundation Award (Fall)

2022: Association of Women Geoscientists, Service Award

2022: University of Kansas, James A & Rowena E. Scholarship

2022: Kansas Geological Foundation Award (Spring)

2023: Kansas Geological Foundation Award (Spring)

2023: Kansas Geological Foundation Award (Fall)

2023: Association of Women Geoscientists, Research Award

2023: University of Kansas, Monroe Scholarship

2023: University of Kansas, James A & Rowena E. Scholarship

2023: CUSP-West Annual Conference, Poster Winner, 3rd Place

2023: Graduate G-Hawker Symposium Poster Winner, 2nd Place

2023: GSA Travel Scholarship Award

2023: GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division -

              Best Student Presentation Award

Designs I created for our Geology Graduate Student Organization logo. (Spring 2022)


2022-Present: Geology Graduate Student Organization GGSO 2022-Present: Department of Geology, GGSO representative

2022-Present: American Association of Petroleum Geologists

2022-Present: American Geophysical Union (AGU)

2016-Present: Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG)

2018-Present: Geological Society of America (GSA)

2016-Present: Society of Exploration Geologists (SEG)

Photo of myself accepting the AWG Service Award. (Spring 2022)

Photo of myself excavating a callianassa burrow on Sapelo Island, GA. (Spring 2023)

Photo of the undergraduate, geophysics class learning how to us shallow seismic technology.

(Fall 2022)

Photo of my Greek classmates after attending the Corinth Rift Laboratory School in Nafpaktos, Greece. (Fall 2022)

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